Sleeping Foxes Cross Stitch Pattern: A Valentine's Day Project 🦊🧑

Sleeping Foxes Cross Stitch Pattern: A Valentine's Day Project 🦊🧑

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. And it does not matter if today is only July... Or any other month. If you love animals and simple designs, the Sleeping Foxes cross-stitch pattern will surely steal your heart.

With its charming depiction of two sleeping foxes amidst a serene setting, this pattern is a delightful choice for Valentine's Day crafting. So, grab your needle, thread, and 14-count White Aida fabric, because it's time to embark on a stitching adventure filled with love and creativity.

Pattern Details

The Sleeping Foxes cross-stitch pattern offers a canvas of 103 x 86 stitches, resulting in a finished size of approximately 7.36 x 6.14 inches (or 18.69 x 15.60 cm). The pattern utilizes classic DMC embroidery floss, ensuring a wide range of vibrant colors to bring the design to life.

Combining the white fabric background and the carefully selected DMC thread shades creates a visually striking contrast that enhances the beauty of the sleeping foxes.

The Sleeping Foxes pattern is perfect for beginners.

Valentine's Day Gift Idea

Are you looking for a unique and heartfelt Valentine's Day gift? The Sleeping Foxes cross stitch pattern provides an excellent opportunity to create a handcrafted present that will be cherished for years. Consider stitching this adorable design and framing it as a special gift for your loved one. Alternatively, you can gift the pattern to a fellow crafting enthusiast, encouraging them to embark on their creative journey.
